Saturday, 21 December 2013


Hello everybody!!!!! It's getting EXTREMELY close to Christmas and festivity's are in full swing.
I myself am currently participating in my own family party. As all of you will (hopefully) be having a fun time as we close in on Christmas, I have decided to wish you ALL a very merry Christmas, this will be my final post until boxing day, which is the last post of 2013. So I hope everyone has a VERY

From Hollow

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Last School Related Post for the Year!

This cover of the Imagine Dragon's song Radioactive, done by Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix, is extremely creative and is really well made, it's setting is really fitting to the song itself and they have made it with very few instruments, mainly the Violin and Cello. I think this is really creative because of the way each person acts when they are singing or standing, and it's really creative since they use minimum instruments.
Anyway, this is the last school related post for 2013, well partially school related. Thanks for reading, hope you have a great rest of the year, and I will see you later!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Sunday, 10 November 2013


Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts lately I have been working on my gaming blog, Block Orc.
For our school production I am playing guitar and bass. Bass is new to me but since my dad plays it he has been helping me with it. I am pretty nervous about the production but its gonna be fun and it signals the end of the year so....
I think thats about it for this update post, again sorry for the lack of posts, make sure to check out Block Orc and I will see you doodz later!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Awesome Minecraft Server

Hey guys! I realise I haven't posted anything in a while, this is because I have been working on my new blog. There will be a post with the link and everything up soon. Now, this post is about an awesome Minecraft server which I am a builder on.
It's called MorphCraft, the Co-Owners ate from New Zealand and they are amazing people, as always my username is Hollow_Moutian.
If you do come on here, which I hope you do, then tell anyone online Hollow_Mountian sent you. They don't all know me to well but if the Dub-Step owner: CptCritch or something like that, is on he will probably remember.
Thx for reading, later!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Holidays Term 3 Exciting Stuff, That I Did and Wish I Did

1. I got a miniature chair.
2. I got Cube World
3. I played computer!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Cube World!

Hey guys this is my latest post in a while because I have almost totally obsessed with this game, don't judge me \*_*/ because it's a really amazing game. It's called cube world, it's similar to Minecraft, Zelda and 1000 other games as they were all games that inspired the creation of cube world. You start by creating your character, you can choose a human, an elf, a dwarf, an Orc or a goblin. Then you pick a class, warrior, ranger, mage, rogue and maybe some other one. My main character is an Orc with two large scars named Tulak. After playing as him a lot I decided to make Tulak a race of people and have sent a request to an amazing cube world models to bring this race to life, with a few guide lines. I asked for a creature that looks similar to a Orc but with different features and a large dark cape with a cowl (hood). As soon as possible I will be releasing a pic of what he comes up with. Also if anyone is wondering Tulak is Czech for Rogue as that is his class. Cube World although still in Alpha is extremely complex with servers, mods and models all over the web and in the game itself. You can Quest with friends on an online server or by creating a multiplayer world for free! I highly recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of Zelda, Minecraft or any Voxel based game (That means a game made up of cubes or blocks). Thanks for reading and I will see you guys later!
-Tulak AKA Hollow_Mt

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

And Then I Saw A Bright Light!

And then I saw a bright light!

I was walking down the street when suddenly I saw a bright light. It was a Pokemon! But not just any Pokemon, it was a Ginatina! But it was glowing. Then I saw some people. Really weird animated people. They then disappeared into a large cloud of smoke. All but a small Bolbosaur who I have trained ever since. He has evolved and is far bigger. I am lucky that no-one has discovered my secret. Until now. I have told my story and now you must tell others

Sunday, 15 September 2013


I watch a LOT of YouTube (don't ask why) and when I was watchin NoahCraftftw I saw a mod called Pixelmon on his channel, after watching a few videos I decided to download the mod. It was really easy and had an easy download for Minecraft Forge. Pixelmon is fun and I highly recommend it. Here is a Link to Pixelmon. I will post later some instructions for downloading it \*_*/

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Te Whiti!

Here is a Link to my new blog, Te Whiti!
Also a small image of Parihaka

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Doctor Who

My favourite characters from my favourite show: Doctor Who

Piktochart Instructions

Hey guys here is some instructions on how to use Piktochart
First go to the link below. 




-Elliot AKA Hollow_Mountian AKA MTVSGAMES

Sunday, 1 September 2013

UNIFISH! By Elliot and Matthew #Randomness

Suddenly I heard a CRACK!
I’m walking down the street. Suddenly I heard a CRACK! I turn around to find a GIANT CARNIVOROUS CAMELEOPARD! Then it bent over and I saw the hideous creature on its back. A unicorn. Not just any unicorn but a unicorn with the face of a fish, then it whispered in my ear. Goodbye my son. Then it blew up into a million pieces and disappeared from sight. I knew it was over, the creature of my nightmares was gone. Now I must take up the role of the Unifish. As its sons!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Infographic Mania!

Hello my peoples! Its Elliot here with an amazing new post! Myself and my bud Oscar have made an Infograph on Pikto-graph (Link) about clouds. this was REALLY fun and a great learning experience.
WARNING: Piktograph may not load. If this happens please re-load this page.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Clouds Search Fun!

Hello people and computers of the blogs and welcome to! A post. 
Today we have been working on our google searches. Here is the things we searched and a few screen shots. site:, "Clouds are amazing" and -kids 
 Enjoy these photos.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

My Dream..

Last night I had a dream, a very odd dream. I was in the hunger games, but it was different from the normal hunger games, it had different bosses from a mod I play for Minecraft called Hexxit.
I had a bow and I was hiding from people, all people except my teammate who perished fighting off all the people chasing me. I saw my enemies from my hiding place, I picked up my bow and I shot all but two. Then I jumped on them, I got one of them but the other ran for his life. I tried to catch him but he ran into a swarm of Angry wild dogs. I was caught in the swarm but he escaped. I was sure it was the end but then the dogs scattered. I was sure I was safe but I had not seen what had scared them off. I turned around to try catch the enemy but instead I found two giant monsters ready to fight and very hungry. I battled the beasts until they took the upper hand. I ran and I ran until I was sure were far behind me, and I stopped. Then I woke up.
-The End, For Now

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Hard Tech 2013

This year the year 7-8's have been going to Hut Intermediate for Technology, this term the year 7's are doing hard tech, where we make metal pencil cases, door hangers and pendants. I have early been really enjoying this because we are making a lot of cool things as I wrote before and all that cool stuff. It is an overall great experience that gives you a lot of options for your job in the future (if your planning to make pencil cases pendants or door hangers or even dresses) of corse this may not interest some people but it is still a good experience to have. Next term we are doing Computer Tech which is the one I'm looking forward to the most since it is one of the few things that interests me.
Thats all of this for this post i will see you guys later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AKA Byeee doooodz

Sunday, 21 July 2013

My New Contact Lenses

In the first post I posted on this blog I had glasses, now I don't (picture below). I got some contact lenses that I wear during the night when I'm asleep instead of when I'm awake. That's all for this post so until next time, byeeeeeee dooooooodz!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Cool America's Got Talent Clip (Kind of sad but has a happy ending)

Playing Survival Games all week, (On Deadlox.US Server)

Hey guys here is a quick post about how I am going to be playing Survival Games on Deadlox.US all week and I will probably be recording a lot of the time, I will be recording in the afternoon (for me and other people in New Zealand) which I'm not sure but I think is when people in EST are still either asleep or getting up (if they aren't up already), Anyway my username is Hollow_Mountian and I hope to see you there, until next post byeeeeeee doooooods!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Minecraft Let's Play Picture, Your opinion

Hey Guys, here I have two pictures one with colour one without
colour, I want your opinion on which you like better, with or without, here are the pictures:

Remember to comment on which one you like best, and until next post, byeeeeee doooooooods!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Mo'creature Mod

A nice "little" add in for Minecraft called Mo'creatures.


Just a quick little post about a app I have been playing around with lately called Morfo. Its kind of fun to mess around with although its not extremely realistic

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Wednesday Video: Hunger Games Minecraft Theme Song

Hey guys. As my videos are not uploading properly this is the video for Wednesday

Monday, 8 July 2013

Video Friday and or Wednsday

This post is just about a new thing I am going to start on this blog, on Fridays or Wednesdays, or both, I will be posting a video I made of me playing a game (usually Minecraft) but for now it will just be some Hunger Games videos from YouTube. I would also like to announce that I may be starting a YouTube channel soon and in the next post I will put up a poll for what you guys think my YouTube name should be. That's all for this post, bye doooooods!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Minecraft Hunger Games Video!

This is a video of a few youtubers playing the Hunger Games, BajanCanadian, ASFJerome NoochM and a couple of others.

Do You Or Would You Like To Play Minecraft?

Why is Minecraft Popular? Part 2: Poll

Here is the poll for why you plays Minecraft, if you don't like Minecraft for any of these reasons then comment why you do. Thanks for voting! Bye doods!

Minecraft Survival/ Hunger Games Servers!

Hey Bloggers, today I just wanted to let you all know that I have been playing the survival/ hunger games on the servers Deadlox.US and MC-UNIVERSE.COM,
Not so much the mc-universe one since its still in 1.5.2 not 1.6.1. It's great fun and I hope to see you guys on there! Also remember my username is Hollow_Mountian. Later this week or month I will be posting some footage of me while I was playing on Deadlox.US all I have to do is edit it, so until next post, bye doods!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Skin Vote!

For this post I would like you people of the blogs to vote on which of these Minecraft skins (like and outfit for non-Minecraft players) you like the best. The outing is going to work like this, the skins (shown below) are in order of voting number, you simply comment which number skin you like the best or you can comment a description if you are confused with the number system. So without further to do I give you votes 1-5
(as I am it doing this on the computer the rest of the writing will be here) Remember vote for your favourite skin, if there are enough votes then I will continue this contest with a bunch of new skins or of by popular demand 1-2 skins from previous rounds. So let's try to get 10 votes at least on this and until next post Goodbye!                                  

                                                                             Vote 1-5 down below
Vote 1

Vote 2

Vote 3

 Vote 4

Vote 5