Sunday, 21 July 2013
My New Contact Lenses
In the first post I posted on this blog I had glasses, now I don't (picture below). I got some contact lenses that I wear during the night when I'm asleep instead of when I'm awake. That's all for this post so until next time, byeeeeeee dooooooodz!
Monday, 15 July 2013
Playing Survival Games all week, (On Deadlox.US Server)
Hey guys here is a quick post about how I am going to be playing Survival Games on Deadlox.US all week and I will probably be recording a lot of the time, I will be recording in the afternoon (for me and other people in New Zealand) which I'm not sure but I think is when people in EST are still either asleep or getting up (if they aren't up already), Anyway my username is Hollow_Mountian and I hope to see you there, until next post byeeeeeee doooooods!
Friday, 12 July 2013
Minecraft Let's Play Picture, Your opinion
Hey Guys, here I have two pictures one with colour one without
colour, I want your opinion on which you like better, with or without, here are the pictures:
colour, I want your opinion on which you like better, with or without, here are the pictures:
Remember to comment on which one you like best, and until next post, byeeeeee doooooooods!
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Mo'creature Mod
A nice "little" add in for Minecraft called Mo'creatures.
Just a quick little post about a app I have been playing around with lately called Morfo. Its kind of fun to mess around with although its not extremely realistic
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Wednesday Video: Hunger Games Minecraft Theme Song
Hey guys. As my videos are not uploading properly this is the video for Wednesday
Monday, 8 July 2013
Video Friday and or Wednsday
This post is just about a new thing I am going to start on this blog, on Fridays or Wednesdays, or both, I will be posting a video I made of me playing a game (usually Minecraft) but for now it will just be some Hunger Games videos from YouTube. I would also like to announce that I may be starting a YouTube channel soon and in the next post I will put up a poll for what you guys think my YouTube name should be. That's all for this post, bye doooooods!
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Minecraft Hunger Games Video!
This is a video of a few youtubers playing the Hunger Games, BajanCanadian, ASFJerome NoochM and a couple of others.
Why is Minecraft Popular? Part 2: Poll
Here is the poll for why you plays Minecraft, if you don't like Minecraft for any of these reasons then comment why you do. Thanks for voting! Bye doods!
Minecraft Survival/ Hunger Games Servers!
Hey Bloggers, today I just wanted to let you all know that I have been playing the survival/ hunger games on the servers Deadlox.US and MC-UNIVERSE.COM,
Not so much the mc-universe one since its still in 1.5.2 not 1.6.1. It's great fun and I hope to see you guys on there! Also remember my username is Hollow_Mountian. Later this week or month I will be posting some footage of me while I was playing on Deadlox.US all I have to do is edit it, so until next post, bye doods!

Friday, 5 July 2013
Skin Vote!
For this post I would like you people of the blogs to vote on which of these Minecraft skins (like and outfit for non-Minecraft players) you like the best. The outing is going to work like this, the skins (shown below) are in order of voting number, you simply comment which number skin you like the best or you can comment a description if you are confused with the number system. So without further to do I give you votes 1-5
(as I am it doing this on the computer the rest of the writing will be here) Remember vote for your favourite skin, if there are enough votes then I will continue this contest with a bunch of new skins or of by popular demand 1-2 skins from previous rounds. So let's try to get 10 votes at least on this and until next post Goodbye!
Vote 1-5 down below
Vote 1-5 down below
Why is Minecraft Popular?
The question above is a question that I would quite like to know the answer to so in the comments below it would be great if all and any Minecraft players could comment on why you and/ or your friends/ class mates like Minecraft, I will use your answers to make a poll about this topic. Goodbye bloggers!
What is Minecraft? Part 1: Mobs
Hello bloggers and welcome to a post that will hopefully show you just what the game Minecraft is and all that fun stuff.
First of all your in a world made completely of blocks and if you play on easy-hard, creatures that will challenge your skills with the sword and will test your mining abilities. These mobs as their called will vary from spiders to large cubes of slime that can poison you, hit you with bows and even knock you back up to I think 5 blocks (1 block = 1 metre). Different mobs have different abilities like creepers, creepers blow up when in range of the player and will give you a small warning by hissing for around 3-4 seconds (some of these measurements will be changed if I find they are wrong ").
By what I have written so far mobs don't sound very nice, but they are not all bad. The name mob is applied to every animal or creature in the game so Zombies, Skeletons and Slimes are called mobs and so are Pigs, Cows and Sheep, which help you a lot in game with food and wool for beds and carpet. Over the time since Minecrafts first appearance Mobs have changed a lot, some people would be surprised to know that Creepers were the original design for pigs or sheep, pretty sure it's pigs though. Mobs test your skills and help you but the ones that might help you or might anger you are probably the NPC villagers that you can trade with for emeralds and diamonds, all sorts of good stuff. Unfortunetly they don't always have good trades, espiacally when you get a 10 diamonds for 15 raw porkchops. NPC's are found in villages that can be found in deserts, grassy plains and forest biomes (more on biomes in a later post). Those are all the different types of animals/ creatures/ mobs in Minecraft and I hope this post has taught you a bit about the game. Until next post, goodbye! (better picture coming soon).
Minecraft 1.6!
Hello people of the blog and welcome, to another Minecraft post, today I will be posting two posts on this and here is the first one. On July 1st (July 2nd for me) the 1.6 version of Minecraft came out. The update include a lot of different things, item mobs the lot, so instead of saying what each one does ill just list them: Horses, Hay Bales, Leads, Stained Clay of all colours, Hardened Clay, Horse Armour, Villager Noises and Chests spawn in Nether Fortress's. (The ones listed are not all the things in the update I just listed what I could remember) A lot of these are very good things for Minecraft to have, especially the horses and I would love to here what you guys have to say about this update. I will be posting a few more posts this week about different Minecraft servers and minigames so stay tuned for those!
Minecraft Hunger Games Servers!
Hello and welcome to a post on the Minecraft Hunger Games, a really fun game on a lot of different Minecraft servers such as The Fridge. These servers vary with there takes on the Hunger Games, take The Fridge for example, when your killed you can respawn as a zombie pigman and hunt down whoever killed you. This is a great add in to the Hunger Games as it allows you to come back and have a second chance at winning, sadly for players you can only respawn once and if your killed by a pigman you cant come back. The Hunger Games is a great game for someone who wants to just have fun and get diamond and iron, the lot in many ways. I highly advise playing on The Fridge servers although they are almost always full. That's all for this post and I hope to see you on The Fridge or some other Minecraft servers! Goodbye Blog Readers and Minecraft Players!
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